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Hexagonon - Pia Lietoff



I'm in love with geometrical patterns at the moment. Geometry equals symmetry and order, but by adding colour randomly, I have created a pattern of both order and chaos, which co-exist in harmony.
An asymmetrical shape enhances the design and makes a statement in itself. Hexagonon is the greek name for Hexagon - The word is based on the terms "hexa" meaning six, and "gonia" which means angles.

O Pia Lietoff

Pia Lietoff grew up in Sweden and now lives in sunny Melbourne, Australia. 
With a background in Fine Art and Textile Design, she draws her inspiration from nature and from her Scandinavian heritage. She works mainly with handcraft - hand embroidery being one of her passions. She has a keen eye for detail and a natural instinct for colour.

Dywan ten jest również dostępny w następujących kolorach:

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